After attending the morning mass at CMI church in Bukit Padang on Sunday and had our breakfast in one of the coffee shop in Kolombong, went straight to my aunt's (Aunty Odot) house at Jalan Pogun to attend her 50th birthday party. Most of my family members were there already by the time we reached her house...sempat lagi ada orang buka saloon rambut bah diatas...too bad not enuf time for her (my cousin Gobing) to "set" my hair...nxt time la kio 'Bing..Buli bah kan kalau kau..
Had a great time here with my cousins & sisters...chatting & enjoying ourselves with all those delicious food...not forgetting those delicious cheese & choc cakes from STAR hotel + the assorted chocs specially "imported" from Labuan..SADAP!! Fanny, nxt time beli lagi byk2x ah if you come down to KK....Andrew loves it so much till he tapau-ed home few.. My aunt with her family (her two daughters + her only son & hubby)..singing birthday song on her 50th birthday..Well...age is just a number...she doesn't look like 50 to me...she looks younger than her age kan . My mom with her siblings. From left: Aunty Othy, Aunty Odot, my mom, Aunty Monica & Uncle Oni (not in this pic: Uncle Im & Uncle Gerod).
More pictures here:- Later that nite, had another dinner invitation (also can be considered as a belated Raya open house) from my cousin Kenneth & his family in Petagas. Wow...non stop eating since yesterday!! Didn't see them for quite sometimes now and it's good to have another mini family gathering from my father's side (jarang2x ada peluang cam nie).
Makan time.. The guys...wah senyum lebar si Kinit sini..hehehe.. From left: Spencer, Kenneth, Ian, Ernest, Uncle Justine & Peter. More picture of us here:-
Labels: event, family |
Uuuwaaaaa.... lagi sia rindu kampung nampak tu gathering